Tailgate with the crew courtesy of Chat GPT

In a vibrant corner of the stadium parking lot, the sun was shining, and the atmosphere was electric as football fans from all over gathered for an epic tailgate party. Among them were Adam, Amy, Dave Hill (Dave 3), Kelli, Dave Bencic, and Dave Raczkowski, who were known for throwing the wildest tailgate parties in town.

The tailgate extravaganza began with a sea of coolers filled with ice-cold beer. As the group cracked open their first brews, laughter and cheers filled the air. Dave Hill, the life of the party, started a chant, and soon, a crowd of enthusiastic fans joined in, making the parking lot echo with their voices.

Amy, a die-hard football fan, set up a mini football field with cones and a makeshift goalpost. A spirited game of touch football quickly took shape, with everyone diving for passes and showing off their best touchdown celebrations. Kelli, an agile player, showcased her incredible agility and speed, leaving everyone in awe.

As the game progressed, the competitive spirit ran high, and Adam made an incredible catch that had everyone cheering. Dave Bencic, the grill master, fired up the barbecue, filling the air with the mouthwatering scent of sizzling burgers and hot dogs.

But it was Dave Raczkowski who took the tailgate party to the next level. With a running start, he sprinted toward a table piled high with snacks and, channeling his inner WWE superstar, smashed through it with a spectacular table slam, sending chips and dip flying. The crowd erupted in wild cheers and laughter.

As the day went on, the tailgate party evolved into a mini food festival, with fans sharing dishes and snacks from their favorite team’s hometowns. From buffalo wings to chili and nachos, there was something for everyone.

As the sun began to set, the group gathered around a roaring fire pit, sharing stories of their craziest tailgate party experiences. With a guitar in hand, Dave Hill led a sing-along, belting out classic football anthems.

The night was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories. The tailgate party had brought together a group of friends who were as passionate about football as they were about having a great time. As the final notes of the sing-along faded into the night, the group looked forward to the next game, the next wild tailgate party, and the next adventure in their football-loving lives.

Been a while

I haven’t blogged in a while. I just haven’t thought about doing it. My online effort has been focused on selling on Amazon. I have been doing decent. I’m not bringing in a lot of money yet, but I’m hoping it’s just the beginning.

I have been watching lots of vlogs on YouTube about reselling. They are all different and I enjoy that. I take certain things from each vlog. Sometimes I think it would be fun to do a vlog but then I realize I don’t like talking into a camera and I don’t have time to edit.

Most of the vloggers sell fulltime. I know that’s not something I’m going to do. I have a fulltime job with great benefits. I just want to make enough money for it to be noticeable. I’m not there yet, but hopefully I will be soon.

I’m still learning.


Buying and selling…I have been getting into that more lately. So far it has been mostly just buying. I’m hoping the selling starts up soon. I have been watching lots of YouTube videos lately made by people who do B/S for a living.

I think I first learned about buying and selling from my Grandpa. He was what some people called a junker. He went around picking up junk the night before garbage day, fixed it, and sold it. He picked up bikes, dressers, chairs, or anything he could fix and sell. Grandpa also had a huge garden that yielded veggies, potatoes, tomatoes, and other plants. He also had various fruit trees and berry bushes. He sold them in front of the house. Grandpa’s house was on as busy road and people constantly stopped to buy stuff.

Not only did he make money doing this, but it kept him busy. He truly enjoyed it.

I could go on and on about my Grandpa, but i’ll save that for another blog. My point is, I was exposed to buying and selling at a young age. I didn’t really do any of it until the internet came around. I remember the early days of Ebay where my sister bought a board game for a quarter and sold it for at least 20 dollars. Over the years, I have sold some things here and there. It wasn’t a fulltime job at all. I probably went several years between selling things. It seemed to go in spurts. I would sell a few things in a week then nothing for months.

Well, I’m going to try and get more things sold now. I don’t have the time to do as much as the youtubers, but I’m trying to learn a lot and get as much help as I can. I have talked to lots of people about it, but none are really into the idea as much as me.

So, in closing, I am trying to get this hobby going and make some extra money in the process. Any comments or questions would be appreciated. Thanks.


Cards and Coins

Two things I have enjoyed since I was a kid are cards and coins. Baseball cards, football cards, basketball cards, and playing cards were always around while I was growing up.

So many random player names and details are stuck in my head from the 1980’s and 1990’s. I gained that information from the hundreds of sports cards I had when I was a kid. That information really is useless. I put my cards in various categories and constantly reorganized them. By doing this, stuff just stuck in my head.

When I wasn’t playing with my sports cards, I was frequently playing board games. I played against my parents, my sister, or myself. As I got older, I played more card games like rummy or solitaire. I remember my Mom playing cards all the time with my Grandparents. My Grandma still plays cards constantly at the age of 87. She plays practically every day and my Mom plays a few times a week. It’s just something that is big in my family. I don’t think I would ever get sick of playing cards.

Coins, another interesting thing to me. Ever since I was a kid, I liked coins. I remember dumping out containers of pennies at relatives’ houses looking for wheat pennies. When I found one, I was very happy. It’s like treasure hunting. Even to this day, I am happy to find a wheat penny. Quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies are still fun to look through. Just the other day, I found a silver quarter. I probably told 10 people about it. I’m pretty sure only one actually shared my enthusiasm. That’s ok. I found it for my enjoyment, not to brag about it.

Cards and coins are never boring to me. I just don’t like losing coins while playing cards.

Blog #6 – Lucky number thirteen

Maybe I should have saved this blog until I got to blog number 13. I probably would forget about it by then. Anyway, I’m currently on lunch break in a building where I am on the 13th floor. It made me think about how lots of buildings don’t label the 13th floor, “13” because of superstition. I wonder who makes the decision when a tall building is being made, to not have a 13th floor.

Anyway, 13 has been a number I have liked since I was a kid. I think I liked it because others didn’t. My uniform number was 13 in 7th and 8th grade. I wasn’t worried about bad luck or anything horrible happening because of the number on my jersey. [It wasn’t my favorite number, mostly because I didn’t like Dan Marino. My favorite number was 7 for John Elway. Yet, 13 still is one of my favorites.]

People remind me how 13 is unlucky. I usually tell them my grandma was born on the 13th (Friday), my parents were married on the 13th (Friday), and I got engaged on the 13th (Monday). All these things are important to me and I think about them when someone tells me 13 is unlucky. [I even remember getting a John Elway rookie card on my 13th birthday. ]

So, 13 is a good number and I think more people should give it a chance. Time to go back to work on the 13th floor. It’s 13 minutes before 13:00.

Blog number 5… live your life

This blog is about a concept I heard from a comedian named Pete Holmes. I found one of his topics very interesting. He talks about just living your life and getting joy out of simple, random things. One of his examples deals with when you go to a friend’s house you have never been to and you guess where the silverware drawer is on the first try. He says he thinks to himself, “That’s right, I know my way around the universe! I’m awesome!” That’s not an exact quote but you get the idea. That might sound stupid, but I think it’s funny and many of us think similar things sometimes.

I like to think I’m like that as well. Whether it’s when I throw a used paper towel behind my back into the trash on the first try or I drop something on accident and then kick it back into my hands before it hits the floor and act like I’m awesome. It really is the simple things that can make you laugh. They may be tiny and seem dumb, but they can make your day.

One example, my son and I were playing basketball and I ran to get the ball before it went into the road. I got the ball and threw it to my son who was sitting on driveway. He caught it and said, “that was a bad throw,” He then threw the ball behind him and it flew into the garage and landed in the box of apples. It was really funny and crazy! It was like he meant to do it. I had to take a picture and I wish I could have gotten it on video. Hopefully, the picture will remind me of the story for years to come.

One more example… my wife had a Chick Fil A sauce packet and tried to throw it to me. (Tried is the key word) She wasn’t even close. It landed up against the wall, wedged in the crack between the molding and the wall. It was a one in a billion throw. The whole family laughed and laughed. The throw was bad but how it landed was the best part. I had to take a picture of it.

So, the moral of the story is to live your life, don’t take everything so seriously, find joy in random stupid things, and be awesome.

Definitely recommend checking out Pete Holmes on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/peteholmes.

Basketball in Apples
Basketball in Apples

Sauce toss
Sauce Toss

Blog #4 Cars and Things

When I travel for work, most of the time I rent a car. There are pluses and minuses to renting cars. One positive thing for me is I get to drive a newer car. I currently drive a 2008 Pontiac G8. My car doesn’t have bluetooth or auto unlock doors or other newer features. Most rental cars have these features. I always like new gadgets and features so it’s a treat to have some in my car for a week. When I do get a new car someday, I’ll know which features I will look for in a car.

My friend had a no bluetooth in is car as well. He showed me a little attachment he had that plugged into his auxiliary jack. The gadget connected to his phone through bluetooth and then played music through the car speakers. It was a great little gadget. So, I bought one on amazon. It works great and isn’t expensive at all. Together with my phone, I can name a song and google plays it through my car speakers. I included a link to it below.

So, one of the bad parts about renting cars is you don’t get much of a choice. I usually have a nice new small car. The last car had bluetooth but didn’t have automatic lights. A couple times I forgot to turn my lights on. I can’t believe they make cars without this feature. It’s like a new car without keyless entry or air conditioning. Anyway, that’s all for this blog. Have a great day!

Here is the link to the bluetooth thing…https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07437K9ZY/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B07437K9ZY&linkCode=as2&tag=dunkdave-20&linkId=8b2970dec6c88b6fe5157f4bf313fa7a


Walk it

Here’s blog number 3. One of the things I do a lot is walk. I don’t usually go for walks around the block or walk on a treadmill. I try to walk more in my every day life. You have so much more to gain by walking. For example:

I pull into the walmart parking lot and instead of driving to a spot closest to the front door, I park in a spot much farther away. It’s not worth the time and effort fighting for a closer spot. Sure, sometimes there is a spot right up front you can pull right in, but it’s not always that hassle-free. I’m convinced that many times if you park right away and walk, you will get to the front door just as fast, if not faster than driving around looking for a “premium” spot. Also, walking is good for you and can relieve stress. Trying to get a closer spot can be stressful since many other people are trying to do the same thing. Another good reason to park farther away is the fact that you are less likely to get your car dented or dinged by another car. Usually, there aren’t many cars around and the only thing to look out for is a runaway cart.

It seems people are afraid to walk any distance. At an airport, sometimes there is a line at the restroom. You can either wait in line and get frustrated or walk a little bit farther and find one with no line. Who knows, during that extra walk you might come across a favorite sandwich shop or a coffee shop you didn’t know was there.

I have lots of examples of times where I walked when most people wouldn’t. I do have one story where I shouldn’t have walked.

I went to San Francisco for business four years ago. The day I arrived I developed a little cold. The location where I was working was 1.5 miles away from my hotel. I didn’t have a rental car and I planned on walking since it was right in the city. Well, I threw my backpack on and walked in the 85 degree weather up and down the streets to my work location. At lunch, I walked around for 45 minutes and ate for 15 minutes. After work, I walked back to my hotel, changed my clothes, and walked around for most of the evening. I did this every day, despite having a cold. As the week went on, I felt worse and worse. I had cold sweats, my back hurt, and felt horrible. Yada yada yada… the following Monday I was in intensive care with pneumonia, sepsis, and other issues. The moral of that story is… walk it unless you aren’t feeling well. I might have been fine walking a little bit each day but I walked several miles in the heat every day with a heavy backpack. You can over do it just like anything else. This incident didn’t keep me from walking, it just taught me to pay more attention to my health when walking long distances.

That story is an extreme case and shouldn’t keep people from walking. So, if you’re able, I suggest you walk more. You will see more things, be even healthier, less stressed, and be happier.

Blog number 2

Next topic… random discussions. Some of my favorite discussions are about random things. I have found some people are a lot like me and find these discussions entertaining. These discussions are better than talking about politics, weather, or work.

Even as a child, I spent hours talking to my cousin during sleepovers. We started just talking about a topic and before you know it, we were on a different topic. From there we would talk about something else. The conversation never ended, it just smoothly transitioned from topic to topic. Hours later we wondered how we ended up talking about something so unrelated to the first topic. We would retrace the conversation and see if we could figure out how we got from the first topic to the last. We both found it interesting why we thought the way we did.

Almost on a daily basis, this still happens with me. I think this is normal and healthy. One topic to another topic to another. It keeps it interesting and you learn things about each other. For example, in one conversation you could learn someone’s middle name, their dog’s birthday, how their 7th grade English teacher smelled, and why their uncle wears two watches. This stuff is more interesting than what someone thinks about the president’s comments or the temperature tomorrow night.

Some people don’t seem to be as open as others when it comes to these discussions. More people should try to be open to talking about nothing. Just like this blog.