Cards and Coins

Two things I have enjoyed since I was a kid are cards and coins. Baseball cards, football cards, basketball cards, and playing cards were always around while I was growing up.

So many random player names and details are stuck in my head from the 1980’s and 1990’s. I gained that information from the hundreds of sports cards I had when I was a kid. That information really is useless. I put my cards in various categories and constantly reorganized them. By doing this, stuff just stuck in my head.

When I wasn’t playing with my sports cards, I was frequently playing board games. I played against my parents, my sister, or myself. As I got older, I played more card games like rummy or solitaire. I remember my Mom playing cards all the time with my Grandparents. My Grandma still plays cards constantly at the age of 87. She plays practically every day and my Mom plays a few times a week. It’s just something that is big in my family. I don’t think I would ever get sick of playing cards.

Coins, another interesting thing to me. Ever since I was a kid, I liked coins. I remember dumping out containers of pennies at relatives’ houses looking for wheat pennies. When I found one, I was very happy. It’s like treasure hunting. Even to this day, I am happy to find a wheat penny. Quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies are still fun to look through. Just the other day, I found a silver quarter. I probably told 10 people about it. I’m pretty sure only one actually shared my enthusiasm. That’s ok. I found it for my enjoyment, not to brag about it.

Cards and coins are never boring to me. I just don’t like losing coins while playing cards.

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